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Enabling a paperless future
Better Pads, Even Better Prices - TaxSlayer Pro users,

Welcome TaxSlayer Pro Users!

Would you like to save time and money? Is your business looking to go paperless?

Say "Hello" to Scriptel

We offer USB signature capture pads with better service and $100 lower cost per pad than the competition.


RapidCare Overnight
Exchange Warranty
RapidCare Overnight Exchange Warranty

Provides a replacement pad the next business day.

PDF, Word, Excel

Do you want to sign PDFs,
Word or Excel documents?
Do you want to sign PDFs, Word or Excel documents?

Our free plugins let you use a Scriptel USB signature pad to sign many popular document formats.

Learn About
Scriptel Products

and Pricing

Download Compatible Product Data Sheets and Pricing

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Adobe PDF (1.77MB)
Updated: May 08, 2023

Compatible with…

Adobe / Avimark / MS / G Suite / OO / TwainAdobe / Avimark / MS / G Suite / OO / Twain

Scriptel has a full range of products

  • Slimline LCD ST1570

    Slimline LCDSlimline

    Perfect for Registration Areas
    Our most popular product, the Slimline LCD, shows the signature on the display while you sign and has a built-in pen tray and stand for use at registration.
  • Slimline 1x5 - ST1475

    Slimline 1x5Slimline

    No Display
    The economic Slimline 1x5, has no signature display for lowest cost.
  • Compact LCD - ST1550

    Compact LCDCompact

    The Compact LCD has the same functions with greater portability.
Biometrics icon

Security Built In!

Biometric Capture Supporting High-quality Forensic Analysis

An electronic signature must remain under the sole control of the signer to be valid under the national ESIGN electronic commerce law.

To satisfy this requirement, a signature must be:

  • Placed or linked into the relevant document directly,
  • Bound in such a way as to render tampering detectable.

All Scriptel pads have the ability to create legally-binding signatures. Learn more about biometrics and esignature capture.


Do you want peace of mind?

All our hardware comes with a multi-year RapidCare warranty.

If your Scriptel pad stops working, contact our support department for an overnight replacement. Then, just ship the bad one back to us with the label we provide. Your office won't be stranded without a working pad while we diagnose the problem, and you won't pay a dime if the issue is a fault covered by our warranty.

Get Started

Get Started

Do you want to get started with e-signing but aren't sure how?

Contact our Sales team at 877.848.6824

Get Help

Get Help

If you ever need any help with a Scriptel product, our Support team is located in the US. Call 844.972.7478 or email, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm ET.

Buy a Scriptel Signature Pad!

Contact your authorized reseller, or purchase below


ScripTouch Slimline LCD Signature Pad - EasyScript

Our Slimline LCD is our best electronic signature pad. Capture a digital handwritten signature with the battery-free pen and beautiful glass, backlit LCD. Show Interface Options
$320.00 $320.00SC-ST1571-6FTAdd to Cart

ScripTouch Compact LCD Signature Pad - EasyScript

Our Compact LCD is a portable signature pad, for capturing digital handwritten signatures on the go, with backlit LCD and rugged construction.

Show Interface Options
$315.00 $315.00SC-ST1551Add to Cart

ScripTouch Slimline 1×5 Signature Pad - EasyScript

Our Slimline 1x5 is low-cost electronic signature capture hardware for budget situations. Capture digital handwritten signatures without a display. Show Interface Options
$144.00 $144.00SC-ST1476-6FTAdd to Cart
  • All pads have:
  • Active Battery-Free Pen
  • USB Plug-and-Play
  • Durable Casing
  • Mounting Holes
  • Non-Slip Rubber Feet
