Get away from the time-consuming and error-prone print/sign/scan step in your operation just to get a good-quality customer signature. Go paperless with our electronic signature capture hardware and software solutions!
You may well have an application that already uses signature pads, but did you know that this same signature pad can be used to sign PDFs? And with a full digital signature, any changes to that PDF after the signature will be detected?
If you have a Scriptel signature pad, you can do this for free as often as you want. Download the free Adobe Reader (XI and DC versions) and our free ScripTouch Sign and Save signature pad software and get fully secure PDF signing.
But, that’s not all, Sign and Save also provides plugins for capturing signatures in other popular applications such as:
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- OpenOffice Write and Calc
- Adobe Acrobat and Reader
And it doesn’t stop there, Sign and Save can also be used as a standalone product to get signatures as high-quality image files, or can provide a signature to applications that accept scanned input via TWAIN, or can be called with its Command Line Interface (CLI) to work in a workflow automation platform. All of this is free if you have one of our pads.