
Our Slimline LCD is our best electronic signature pad. Capture a digital handwritten signature on a beautiful glass, backlit LCD, paired with Sign and Save

ScripTouch Sign and Save

Customize and save a signature image in your preferred location, making it easier to integrate electronic signature capture into your digital workflows.


ScripTouch Slimline LCD Signature Pad

Full-Featured Signature Pads, Bundled with Free Sign and Save Software

Scriptel's ScripTouch series electronic signature pads are all verified Citrix Ready and feature rugged construction and high reliability for frequent transactions and long lifetimes. Scriptel's active battery-less tethered pen is proven to perform flawlessly. The signature sensing layer is a solid, durable, no-scratch, glass signing surface on top of the backlit LCD for great device durability. Signature quality is not affected by wear or heavy use and there are no batteries to replace.

The ScripTouch ST1571 with EasyScript device interface brings all these characteristics to the market including a no-scratch, backlit LCD and an ergonomic design. This signature pad exemplifies modern design requirements in a signature pad, including low profile height, horizontal pen tray and vertical pen mount, easy-to-use mounting holes and an ergonomic palm rest for a more comfortable signing experience. The LCD display provides immediate rendering and visual feedback to the signer avoiding the need to have an additional display for the confirmation.

The Slimline LCD comes standard with a 1.8 m / 6 ft USB cable. Longer cables are available.

For ProScript Slimline LCD pads, you can order:

  • SC-ST1570-6FT: 1.8 m / 6 ft cable
  • SC-ST1570-3M: 3 m / 9.8 ft cable
  • SC-ST1570-5M: 5 m / 16.4 ft cable

For EasyScript Slimline LCD pads, you can order:

  • SC-ST1571-6FT: 1.8 m / 6 ft cable
  • SC-ST1571-3M: 3 m / 9.8 ft cable
  • SC-ST1571-5M: 5 m / 16.4 ft cable

Adobe PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, G Suite, Open Office

Bonus! Sign PDFs, Word, Excel, OpenOffice Writer and Calc files, Google Docs and Sheets files for FREE with ScripTouch Sign and Save.

Visit scriptel.com/plugins for more information and downloads.


EasyScript is the best solution for signatures in web-based software, including Scriptel's free Sign and Save standalone signature software. EasyScript also makes it easy to sign within popular desktop applications like Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Please refer to the list of supported software plugins that are available with Sign and Save.

Ideally suited for no-client-install situations, and for use with web-based software, EasyScript works very well in remote and virtualization environments such as Remote Desktop and Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp products.

EasyScript is also compatible with a variety of popular software applications. Please check our Software Partners page for a list of our key partners. If you don't find your software on the list, please check with your software vendor for compatibility with Scriptel signature pads

Installation is simply plug-and-play with no extra software installation needed! EasyScript signature pads are supported by a number of software products. The listing of compatible software partners can be found on the Software Partners page, or by contacting your software vendor to check for compatibility.

The latest version, EasyScript 3.0, allows switching between ProScript and EasyScript and adds customized text, graphics, buttons, screen states and interactions.

Sign and Save

With the ScripTouch Sign and Save Command Line Interface you can customize and save a signature image in your preferred location, making it easier to integrate electronic signature into your digital workflows.

This application provides free signature capture software that can be run standalone, in CLI mode for automating a workflow, or as a plugin for several popular programs and for using the signature pad as a TWAIN device. Also included in the download is a virtual USB channel driver for Citrix and RDP-based systems.

Included Programs

Signature Pad Features

  • No-Scratch, Backlit LCD
  • Active Battery-Free Pen
  • Vertical Pen Mount
  • Slim: Less than 1" Tall
  • Wide Palm Rest
  • USB Interface
  • Big Non-Slip Rubber Feet
  • Snap-In Pen Tray
  • 3-year RapidCare Warranty

Included Software Plug-ins

(Available through our free
Sign and Save plug-in.)

  • Adobe Acrobat Stnd / Pro XI and DC
  • Adobe Reader XI and DC
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 and 2016
  • Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016
  • OpenOffice / LibreOffice
  • TWAIN Compatible Scanning Apps

Citrix Compatibility

  • XenApp Versions: 6.5, 7.x, Citrix Cloud
  • XenDesktop Versions: 7.x, Citrix Cloud

System Requirements

  • Windows 7 - 11
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.6+
  • 10 MB of Hard Disk Space

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 5.375 × .95 in

ScripTouch Sign and Save


Scriptel Corporation

Product Type


Operating Systems

Windows, Mac OS, Linux Debian, and Linux Redhat

Product Webpage


Wiki Page


ScripTouch Slimline LCD Signature Pad


Scriptel Corporation



Product Type

Electronic signature pad, slim profile with integrated LCD display

Active Signing Area

4.25” x 1.13” (108 x 29mm)

Signature Display

No-Scratch, Backlit Monochrome LCD (240×64 pixels)

Pen Type

Active battery-less tethered pen

Sensing Technology

Scriptel StaticCap™ capacitive sensing

Signature Resolution

> 500ppi

Signature Sample Rate


Product Dimensions

6” x 5.4” x 0.94” (152 x 137 x 24mm)

Power Supply

USB bus-powered, no separate external power supply needed.

Thin Client / RDP

Citrix Ready and ScripTouch Remote (USB virtualization tool) available.

Operating Systems

Support available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.


3 Year

Product Webpage


Model Numbers

ST1570 ProScript, ST1571 EasyScript

Technical Specs


Levels of Pressure


Cable Length

1.8 m / 6 ft, 3 m / 9.8 ft, 5 m / 16.4 ft


SC-ST1571-6FT: 00860004200314, SC-ST1570-6FT: 00860004200352

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