JAN. 28-30: Blazing Trails at Exan Summit 2019 (Vancouver)

JAN. 28-30: Blazing Trails at Exan Summit 2019 (Vancouver)

Posted: Friday, January 25, 2019, 12 pm EST

5 Ways to Innovate with axiUm Event Gold Sponsor Scriptel Corporation

Print, sign, scan, file, repeat. Does life within your practice sometimes feel like an endless loop? Then it’s time to blaze new trails with Scriptel!

The theme of this year’s Exan Summit for axiUm users—being held Jan. 28-30, 2019—is clear: “Be a trailblazer in digital dentistry.” As both a Gold Sponsor and an exhibitor, Scriptel Corporation is eager to help dental, IT and other professionals lead the way.

“Scriptel itself has been a world leader in digitizing technology for 30-plus years,” says Randa Gallagher, Customer Relations & ISV Manager. “Yet, we keep finding new and innovative ways to help end users improve their efficiency and care levels—thanks to our wide array of rugged, Citrix Ready eSignature pad and other paperless solutions.”

Gallagher cited five ways to innovate with Scriptel:

  • Save $100+ per capture pad
  • Enjoy robust, long-term warranties
  • Simply plug & play—w/USB integration
  • Enhance UX with durable, modern interfaces
  • Get superior RapidCare Service & Technical Support

“With Scriptel,” adds Gallagher, “you get out-of-the-box compatibility with axiUm, Adobe, Microsoft and other programs. And, if something breaks, there’s no waiting weeks for signature pad repair; we ship a replacement immediately. If you’re a software vendor, integrate with us. If you’re an end user, let us help you quickly transition to Scriptel.

“No more printing, signing, scanning and filing for you!”

When launching their own paperless initiatives, universities and clinics across the U.S. and elsewhere deploy ScripTouch® signature pads and digital workflow products like EasyScript™, ProScript™, and mSign®. Why? Because Scriptel is a proven leader in document signing, electronic recordkeeping, and practice management.

Blaze new trails with help from Scriptel in the Summit 2019 exhibit space Mon., Jan. 28 (7:30-6), or Tues., Jan. 29 (7:30-4) within the elegant Westin Bayshore Vancouver, in British Columbia. The event is hosted by Exan, a Henry Schein Company. Optional training sessions may be available Wed., Jan. 30. Visit ExanSoftware.com/Summit/.

Whether your focus is on providing Finance, IT, Clinical, or Administrative support, come say, “Hi!” and request a 30 Day Risk-Free Trial for your practice. Can’t make it to Canada? Call us at (877) 848-6824 or visit Scriptel.com.



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