Click or drag to resize

Screen Methods

The Screen type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRegion(Int32)
This method adds a region to a screen. In order to take effect you'll still need to save the screen to the device. Sets the next screen to DO_NOTHING_ON_NEXT.
Public methodAddRegion(Int32, Int32)
This method adds a region to a screen. In order to take effect you'll still need to save the screen to the device.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNumber
Gets the Screen number this class will be attributed to on the Device.
Public methodGetRegionIndexes
Gets the Region indexes being featured on this Screen.
Public methodGetReserved
The parameter is not used.
Public methodGetResetTimeoutOnActivity
Gets whether the Screen timer gets reset if there is any pen activity.
Public methodGetScreenNextList
Gets the list of Screens the device will go to when this Region is interacted with. '0' means stay on this Screen.
Public methodGetTimeout
Gets the timeout value in seconds.
Public methodGetTimeoutNextScreen
Gets the Screen number the device goes to when this Screen times out.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveRegion
This method removes a region index from the region list for this screen.
Public methodSetNumber
Sets the screen number this class will be attributed to on the device.
Public methodSetRegions
This method sets the indexes of the regions that will be included in this screen. The indexes (key) are paired with the screen (value) that should be switched to in the event that the region is activated (for instance if a button region is pressed). Use the DO_NOTHING_ON_NEXT constant to indicate nothing should happen. This method replaces the entire region list in the screen. Use addRegion() to add an individual region to the screen.
Public methodSetResetTimeoutOnActivity
Sets whether the Screen timer gets reset if there is any pen activity.
Public methodSetTimeout
Sets the timeout to the new value.
Public methodSetTimeoutNextScreen
Sets the Screen number the device goes to when this Screen times out.
Public methodToString
Prints this object as a human readable string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also