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RegionNull Methods

The RegionNull type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcceptsTouch
Gets whether or not this region accepts touch.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetColorBackground
Gets the background color.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetColorForeground
Gets the foreground color.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNumber
Gets the region number.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetOutputToHost
Gets whether this region will output information to the host or not.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetReserved2
The parameter is not used.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetX1
Gets the left most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetX2
Gets the right most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetY1
Gets the top most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodGetY2
Gets the bottom most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodHasFrame
Gets whether or not this region has a box around it.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodIsDecode
Gets whether or not this region will generate coordinate events.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodIsInUse
Gets whether or not this region is in use.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodIsReserved1
The parameter is not used.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodIsVisible
Gets whether or not this region is visible.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetAcceptTouch
Sets whether or not this region accepts touch.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetColorBackground
Sets the background color
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetColorForeground
Sets the foreground color
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetDecode
Sets whether or not this region will generate coordinate events.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetHasFrame
Sets whether or not this region has a box around it.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetNumber
Sets the region number.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetOutputToHost
Sets whether this region will output information to the host or not.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetReserved1
The parameter is not used.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetReserved2
The parameter is not used.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetVisible
Sets whether or not this region is visible.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetX1
Sets the left most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetX2
Sets the right most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetY1
Sets the top most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodSetY2
Sets the bottom most edge.
(Inherited from Region.)
Public methodToString
Converts this object into a human readable string.
(Overrides RegionToString.)
See Also