accountNumber :string
Contains the account number of the financial card.
accountNumber :string
Contains the account number of the financial card.
birthDate :date
Cardholder birth date.
cancelStream :string
This character represents the glyph that ends a signature stream indicating it is cancelled.
This will contain the captured card swipe data. Any tracks
that were unable to be read will not be present.
cardIssuer :string
Contains the name of the card issuer, false if unknown.
cdsVersion :number
Specification version.
city :string
City of residence.
discretionaryData :string
Contains any other data the card issuer wanted to include on the first track.
discretionaryData :string
Any additional information the issuer wanted to include.
discretionaryData :string
Contains any other data the card issuer wanted to include on the first track.
discretionaryData :string
Any additional information included by the issuer.
endorsements :string
Endorsement codes designated by issuer.
endStream :string
This character represents the glyph that ends a signature stream.
endStream :string
This character represents the glyph that ends a signature stream.
expiration :date
Card expiration date.
expiration :Date
Contains the expiration date of the card.
expiration :Date
Contains the expiration date of the card.
eyeColor :string
Eye color of the cardholder.
If this card is a financial card, parsed information will
be available here.
firstName :string
Contains the first name of the card holder.
firstName :string
First name of the card holder.
hairColor :string
Hair color of the cardholder.
height :number
The height in pixels of the devices using this protocol.
height :string
Height of the cardholder.
height :number
The total height of the points.
homeAddress :string
Home address of the card holder.
If this card is an identification card (driver's license)
the parsed information will be available here.
idNumber :string
Cardholder identification number (license number).
issuerNumber :string
Issuer identification number.
jurisdictionVersion :number
Jurisdiction version.
lastName :string
Contains the last name of the card holder
lastName :string
Last name of the card holder.
licenseClass :string
The class of this identification card/drivers license.
message :string
This member carries a human readable message as to what type of error
occurred while parsing.
middleName :string
Middle name of the card holder.
model :string
The model of the device that captured the signature.
model :string
The model of the device that captured the signature.
modelPosition :int
The position in the string where model starts.
numberValid :boolean
Indiciates whether or not the identification number on the card passed checksum.
passThrough :boolean
This boolean toggles whether the library should process the card data or not. If passthrough is true
the card data keystrokes will have the Scriptel sentinel and version ID stripped off but allow the
card data keystrokes to occur as normal. Making the signature pad appear to be a standard mag stripe reader
to external software.
penUp :string
This character represents the glyph that signifies a break between strokes.
position :number
This member carries the character position of where the error occurred.
protocolName :string
This string contains a textual name of this protocol.
protocolName :string
This string contains a textual name of this protocol.
protocolVersion :string
The captured protocol version, at present 'A, B, C , D' exists.
protocolVersion :string
The captured protocol version, at present 'A, B, C , D' exists.
protocolVersion :string
The captured protocol version, at present 'A, B, C, D' exists.
The position in the string where protocolVersion starts
restrictions :string
Restriction codes designated by issuer.
sentinel :string
This string represents the "sentinel" that must be present before considering this the correct protocol.
sentinel :string
This string represents the "sentinel" that must be present before considering this the correct protocol.
serviceCode :string
Contains the service code of the card.
serviceCode :string
Contains the service code of the card.
sex :string
Cardholder sex, M for male, F for female.
startStream :string
This character represents the glyph that starts a signature stream.
startStream :string
This character represents the glyph that starts a signature stream.
state :string
Two character state code.
An array of coordinate arrays containing the pen strokes parsed from the signature stream.
trackOne :FinancialTrackOneData
Contains the contents of the parsed first track. False if the track couldn't be read/parsed.
trackOne :IdentificationTrackOneData
Contains the contents of the first parsed track. False if the track couldn't be read/parsed.
trackThree :IdentificationTrackThreeData
Contains the contents of the third parsed track. False if the track couldn't be read/parsed.
trackTwo :IdentificationTrackTwoData
Contains the contents of the second parsed track. False if the track couldn't be read/parsed.
trackTwo :FinancialTrackTwoData
Contains the contents of the parsed second track. False if the track couldn't be read/parsed.
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
The type name
valueTable :object.<string, array.<array.<number>>>
This table contains the character codes and values of the most and least significant bytes of
the x and y coordinates. This is required to accurately decode a signature.
version :string
The currently running version of the firmware on the device that captured the signature.
version :string
The currently running version of the firmware on the device that captured the signature.
versionPosition :int
The position in the string where version starts
weight :string
Weight of the cardholder.
width :number
The width in pixels of the devices using this protocol.
width :number
The total width of the points.
x :number
The horizontal location of the point.
x1 :number
The left most edge.
x2 :number
The right most edge.
y :number
The vertical location of the point.
y1 :number
The top most edge.
y2 :number
The bottom most edge.
zipCode :string
Either full or truncated postcal code.