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rangeCoordinate(AdjustedCoordinate) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.CoordinateRange
This method corrects a raw coordinate's range to match the range specified by the device.
RawInputListener - Interface in com.scriptel.proscript
This interface can be used to receive raw input reports from ProScript instead of the pre-parsed ones.
read() - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
This method attempts to read from the device.
readStream(InputStream) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.firmware.FirmwarePackage
This function when implemented should read in a firmware file of a particular type.
readStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.firmware.FWFirmwarePackage
readStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.firmware.SRECFirmwarePackage
recalculateChecksum() - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.FirmwarePage
receiveButtonEvent(ButtonEvent) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
receiveButtonEvent(ButtonEvent) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives a button event.
receiveDeviceAttachedNotification(String, Device) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.DeviceNotificationListener
This is called when a new device is added to the system.
receiveDeviceDetachedNotification(String, Device) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.DeviceNotificationListener
This is called when a device is removed from the system.
receiveFirmwareUpdateComplete() - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.FirmwareListener
This is called when the firmware update has been completed.
receiveFirmwareUpdateNotification(double) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.FirmwareListener
This is called when there is an update to the percentage of the firmware downloaded.
receiveInputReport(byte[]) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.RawInputListener
recieveADCChannelValues(ADCChannelValues) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
recieveADCChannelValues(ADCChannelValues) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives an ADC channel value reading.
recieveADCScanValues(ADCScanValues) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
recieveADCScanValues(ADCScanValues) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives an ADC scan value reading.
recieveCoordinateEvent(Coordinate) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
recieveCoordinateEvent(Coordinate) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives either a coordinate or an extended coordinate from the device.
recieveDebugCoordinateEvent(DebugCoordinate) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
recieveDebugCoordinateEvent(DebugCoordinate) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives a debug coordinate.
recieveMagneticStripEvent(MagneticCardSwipe) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.AbstractInputListener
recieveMagneticStripEvent(MagneticCardSwipe) - Method in interface com.scriptel.proscript.InputListener
Receives a magnetic card swipe event.
Region - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a region.
Region() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.Region
Protected constructor, construct children instead.
Region(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int, int, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.Region
Protected constructor, used by children to create new regions.
RegionButton - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a button region.
RegionButton() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionButton
Public constructor.
RegionContainer - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a container region in a ScripTouch device.
RegionContainer() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionContainer
Public constructor
RegionGraphic - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a graphic region stored in the device.
RegionGraphic() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionGraphic
Default constructor, creates a new blank graphic region.
RegionLine - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a line region in a ScripTouch device.
RegionLine() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionLine
Public constructor
RegionNull - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a null region in a ScripTouch device.
RegionNull() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionNull
Public constructor
RegionText - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a Static Text Region
RegionText() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.RegionText
Public constructor, creates a new blank static text region.
registerDeviceListener(DeviceNotificationListener) - Static method in class com.scriptel.proscript.DeviceManager
This method registers a new device listener for added and removed devices.
registerDeviceListener(DeviceNotificationListener, boolean) - Static method in class com.scriptel.proscript.DeviceManager
This method registers a new device listener for added and removed devices.
registerInputListener(InputListener) - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
This method registers an input listener for this device that will be notified of any new input.
Resource - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents resources that the signature pad can store.
Resource() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.Resource
Protected constructor, construct children instead.
Resource(int) - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.Resource
Protected constructor, used by children to create new resources.
ResourceAvailability - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class contains static information regarding the resource availability of a ScripTouch device.
ResourceGraphic - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a graphic resource that is storable on the device.
ResourceGraphic() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.ResourceGraphic
Public constructor
ResourceGraphic(int, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.ResourceGraphic
Public constructor to allow users to create their own resources.
ResourceInfo - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents information about a resource stored in the device.
ResourceInvalid - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents an invalid resource stored in the device.
ResourceInvalid() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.ResourceInvalid
Public constructor
ResourceText - Class in com.scriptel.proscript
This class represents a static text resource stored in a device.
ResourceText() - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.ResourceText
Public constructor
ResourceText(int, String) - Constructor for class com.scriptel.proscript.ResourceText
Private constructor for a static text resource.
restoreDefaultRegions() - Method in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
This method attempts to restore the default regions in the device.
RUNMODE_AUTOTOUCH - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the auto touch run mode (not supported by all devices).
RUNMODE_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the command run mode.
RUNMODE_PEN - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the pen run mode.
RUNMODE_PENCONTINUOUS - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the pen continuous run mode (reserved for later use).
RUNMODE_PENSINGLE - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the pen single run mode (reserved for later use).
RUNMODE_PENSTREAM - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the pen stream run mode (reserved for later use).
RUNMODE_TOUCH - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the touch run mode (not supported by all devices).
RUNMODE_TOUCHSINGLE - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the touch single run mode (reserved for later use).
RUNMODE_TOUCHSTREAM - Static variable in class com.scriptel.proscript.Device
Constant for the touch stream run mode (reserved for later use).
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