Package com.scriptel.proscript
This package contains the core of the ProScript library. The majority of the
useful classes reside in this package. If you're new to this library check out
as a way
to get Device
Interface Summary Interface Description DeviceNotificationListener This interface is used to describe a class that is capable of receiving hot plug notifications from DeviceManager.FirmwareListener This interface is used to receive firmware update percentage notifications.InputListener This interface describes a class capable of receiving input events from a ScripTouch device.RawInputListener This interface can be used to receive raw input reports from ProScript instead of the pre-parsed ones. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractInputListener This class implements InputListener and provides default stubbed implementations of all of the required methods.CalibrationData This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.CalibrationState This class represents the current calibration state of the device.Capabilities This class represents the capabilities of a device.Configuration This class represents the device configuration on a ScripTouch mouse device.CoordinateRange This class represents the logical coordinate range of a ScripTouch device.Device This class represents a physical ScripTouch device.DeviceManager This class manages ScripTouch devices.DeviceStatus This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.Display This class contains static information regarding the display of a ScripTouch device.DisplayChunk This class represents an image raster that can be transferred to the display on a ScripTouch device.DisplaySettings This class represents dynamic display options that can be changed.ErrorCorrectionSample This class represents a sample in an error correction table.ErrorCorrectionTable This class represents the internal error correction table used by a ScripTouch device to correct for natural deformities in the sensor surface.FirmwarePage This class represents a page of firmware that can be written to the device.FrequencyAmplitude This class represents frequency and amplitude settings for a ScripTouch device.GeneralParameters This class represents general operating parameters for a ScripTouch device.OperatingModes The class represents compatible operating modes of a ScripTouch device.OutputConfiguration This class represents output parameters of a ScripTouch device.PenParameters This class represents pen parameters of a ScripTouch device.PeripheralConfiguration This class represents peripheral parameters of a ScripTouch device.Region This class represents a region.RegionButton This class represents a button region.RegionContainer This class represents a container region in a ScripTouch device.RegionGraphic This class represents a graphic region stored in the device.RegionLine This class represents a line region in a ScripTouch device.RegionNull This class represents a null region in a ScripTouch device.RegionText This class represents a Static Text RegionResource This class represents resources that the signature pad can store.ResourceAvailability This class contains static information regarding the resource availability of a ScripTouch device.ResourceGraphic This class represents a graphic resource that is storable on the device.ResourceInfo This class represents information about a resource stored in the device.ResourceInvalid This class represents an invalid resource stored in the device.ResourceText This class represents a static text resource stored in a device.Screen This class represents a screen stored in the device.ScreenModify This class is used to perform modifications to screens without the overhead of entirely reconfiguring screens.ScreenRegionInfo This class represents information about a region saved in the device.Test Crash and burn test application used for testing various functionality.TouchParameters This class represents touch parameters in a ScripTouch device.TuningStatus This class represents the tuning status of a GENII asicless deviceVersion This class represents the firmware version of a ScripTouch device. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ScriptelException This exception is thrown when an exception occurs as a result of talking with a ScripTouch device.